Online service to administrate and pay in advance

Online service to administrate and pay in advance

Discovery and insights mining, Strategy Definition, Tech architecture, Visual Design, Product Design
Interaction Designer
Apartados is a new service created for the wholesale buyers of merchandise from Monte Piedad store, who resell their items and make a profit from it.

Layaway at Monte Store

Secure and grow your opportunities



Isabel Velarde, Design Lead Frida Cuaxospa, Visual Designer Salo Soloveichik, PM Mauricio García, Technologist Karin Senado, Senior Strategist

The challenge

Convert more users and sales through a digital layaway registration and management platform hosted on Mi Monte Digital Platform

Defining the problem

We designed the digital layaway experience based on a product strategy

Retail merchants have developed tricks and alternatives within their close circles to secure pieces that are not within their reach at the moment. 62% of retail jewelry merchants are accustomed to using alternative financial schemes to traditional banking. So we can assume that both ghost profiles and jugglers would be open to using layaway schemes that would help them obtain the desired pieces and not miss the opportunity at the moment.



Merchants will have the opportunity to accumulate points every time they purchase through the layaway system, surpass the average purchase ticket of the month prior to this system or recommend a friend and they register.

  • Gain greater reach among the community of merchants
  • Understand their purchasing habits
  • Increase the frequency and volume of purchase
  • Make them feel like they are part of Nacional Monte de Piedad




Secure and grow your opportunities

Layaway high potential sale items even when they don't have a defined customer. This will allow merchants to take advantage of opportunities at the moment, increase the volume of unplanned purchases, and avoid the risk of someone else buying the pieces first.



Service Model

This scheme details each stage of the layaway service and how all the actors involved interact.


Ideal User Experience

We design an ideal experience based on multiple interactions and findings from user testing, which is interwoven with the service model. This covers service stages focused on the registration and management of the service.


App Architecture

We designed the digital layaway experience based on a product strategy

This program was part of a series of work with the company to create a digital strategy that would renew the services and bring in new users and current users.

Necesidades de gestión Seguimiento, notificaciones oportunas, posibilidad de extensión, liquidación eficiente y sencilla.

Principios de Experiencia y Lineamientos Portal Mi Monte Fiable, Explorable, Flexible, Discreta y Reconocedora.

Pruebas con Usuarios Test de usabilidad con Test de usabilidad con prototipo Alpha. prototipo final.

Comportamiento según Arquetipos El ingenioso El innovador El conservador El aprehensivo


Applying what we learned

After failing and learning from all directions, I helped to generate a proposal that meets design principles and innovative interaction patterns. The app achieves to:


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